Protect Your Posture

Let's start this post by reminding you not to read this post with your shoulders pulled forward and your head tilted down! Whether we're on our laptops, phones, taking notes in class- many of our lifestyles involve some form to this posture for extended periods of time. More and more clients come in telling me that they know they have bad posture from how they sit at work, and I've had some clients where their posture has resulted in full blown upper crossed syndrome. They typically complain about tightness around the neck and back pain.


If this looks or sounds familiar, you can use the stretches in this post throughout your day to prevent long-term effects of the posture. While it can be natural for some, for many the posture was developed out of habit- causing aches, pains, and immobility. 

Chest Stretch 

Let's start with the big muscles. Sitting with your shoulders forward gets your chest all settled into a compressed position, making them tight.

  • Reach both arms behind your back.
  • Lace your fingers together with your palms facing up.
  • If you cant' hold your hands, grab the back of a chair.
  • Gently pull your hands down and away from your body.
  • Pull your chest away from your hands.
  • Feel: Your chest opening up.
  • Hold for 30 secs.

Wall slides

On the other side of your chest, those rhomboids and traps (upper back muscles) have been getting no action.

  • Put your hands up by your shoulders, elbows by your sides, palms facing forward.
  • Move your hands and arms up until your biceps are by your ears.
  • Bending at the elbow, slide your hands back down towards your shoulders, elbows back down by your sides.
  • Optional: Do this with your back against the wall, keeping your hands touching the wall throughout the motion.
  • Feel: Your shoulder blades squeezing together.
  • Repeat 15 times.

Lateral tilt

This stretch is for your traps, which also become tight with a static, forward shoulder posture.

  • Sit up nice and tall.
  • Bring your shoulders down and away from your ears.
  • Keeping eyes forward, imagine a line pulling the center of your head 45 degrees left and upward.
  • Hold for 15 secs.
  • Repeat for the right side.
  • Feel: The side of your neck and top of your shoulders being stretched.


Your neck is designed to rotate like a pivot, and it may not do this is you're only looking forward all day. 

  • Sit up nice and tall.
  • Bring your shoulders down and away from your ears.
  • Keeping your torso still, turn your face towards the left.
  • Hold for 30 secs.
  • Repeat for the right side.
  • Feel: The side of your neck being stretched.

Nose circles 

There are muscles deep in your neck that you can exercise, too!

  • Sit up nice and tall.
  • Bring your shoulders down and away from your ears.
  • Keeping your torso still, draw small circles with your nose.
  • At the bottom of your circles, you should be making a double chin.
  • Repeat 10 each direction.
  • Feel: Activation in the back of your neck.

These may take just a couple minutes to do, and I recommend doing them at least every 2 hours if you're sitting through most of your day. These brief periods of stretching/activity can help save you a lifetime of discomfort!