AskHuyen #5: Spring Break Bad Habits - Tips for a Healthy Spring Break

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Spring break

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How does one balance eating plant based foods (especially on the road) and exercise while on spring break?

Mango from a pop up farmer's market in Miami.

Mango from a pop up farmer's market in Miami.

Indulging over Spring Break can leave you feeling like you need more recovery rather than helping you feel refreshed. Here are my tips for making your Spring Break a healthy one

1. Preparation is key.

Pack snacks on snack on snacks. Having healthy alternatives with you will help curb sugary, processed, gas station temptations. Here are some items that I'd bring:

  • Nuts. A nutritious energy source you can reach for instead of candy.
  • Oatmeal. Super easy to pack and cook in the Airbnb’s microwave.
  • Fruit. Especially ones that won’t take L’s from being packed in your bag- like oranges!
  • Baby carrots. Depending on where you’re going, these should probably be eaten first.
  • Peanut Butter. Pair this with your carrots or oatmeal. 

It may be hard to prep all of your meals, so remember that you also have the option of going to the nearest grocery store or farmer’s market. You can get a small supply of easy-to-cook veggies or lean proteins. I took a risk and packed yogurts that survived a drive from Atlanta to Miami. Pulling out a cool coconut greek yogurt on the beach was Clutch.


2. Walk it out.

The Southern Girl in me couldn’t resist a DJ Unk reference, but ditch the Uber and walk through the city instead. Especially if the destination is only a couple miles away, you can get your step count up while exploring at the same time. If you’re staying local, check out a new park or find a new hike to go on.

3. Dance hard.

Speaking of dance moves, dance like you want it to count as a workout. Being boujee on the club couches burns less calories.

We danced really hard in between pictures I promise.

We danced really hard in between pictures I promise.

4. BBQ Bonding.

Have one night where everyone stays in and tosses lean meats, tofu, and veggies on the grill. 

 5. Go easy on your wallet.

Smaller dishes and salads are cheaper, and alcohol is expensive. What a bonus that more greens are good for you, and so is less hard alcohol! For ladies it may be difficult to resist free drinks- but throw some curve balls by asserting water as your drink of choice. Use the money you save to make memories. Get souvenirs for your family or get a cheap bike rental.

6. Don’t compromise your workouts.

I truly hope for all of your wellbeings that you don’t have a professor cruel enough to assign work over break. In any case, the lack of classes gives you an opportunity to continue being consistent with your workout routines, or start a program if you were too busy before.

You don't need to get a weeklong gym membership either. Find a friend on your trip to do a morning beach run, or get temporary gym/class passes to use facilities in your area!